Tuesday, February 24, 2015

In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.

Well this week has been surprising to say the least.  I have to apologize for my absence last week but we had a TON of planning for our Kickstarter launch.  It's funny though because it's only been a week and I really do feel like I'm falling down a rabbit hole of craziness!  

It's brilliant!  In a week we've passed $9,000 which is almost 20% of our goal.  Idk if you've ever run a Crowdfunding campaign but it is a lot of work!  It's exciting, scary and somewhat fun but every day is a new adventure.  A lot of people are very supportive but a lot of people just stop talking to you.

I can't let it bother me though because this is what I have to do.  I have to make films.  Hollywood is a hard world to break into unless you have perseverance and determination.  And even then you have to come up with crazy projects and jump through a million hoops to keep them and make them happen.

So I'm jumping through the hoops and getting a film made.  If I haven't said enough, thank you for your continued support.  I know a lot of you are watching this campaign to see what happens.  I hope and pray that you'll support me in my endeavors like you always have.  This world is a crazy one and I'm past the point of getting out.  The truth is, I don't want out.  I belong in front of the camera.  So thank you for helping me make it happen!  In case you haven't looked into the campaign, the link is beachwooddrivefilm.com  You know the drill by now, click it and support with your pledge.  And bless you for having faith in me and my career :)

Love and blessings to you,
Kimberly Westbrook

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